It's Like That
“If you're looking for sympathy you'll find it between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.” ― David Sedaris, Barrel Fever: Stories and Essays ‘ Et tu Brute ‘ I wrote something on the M.S. forum board complaining about the 2 hours I spent in the MRI machine. The blood was in the water and the sharks came out. I guess I had a false sense of security in thinking that the board was a safe space. The truth is that any space occupied by humans has the ability to be compromised. It reminded me of a couple of quotes. The first from some movie I saw a long time ago. I want to say that it was Breakfast Club. “If you’re looking for sympathy you’ll find it between shit an syphilis in the dictionary.” The second was from a Shakespeare play. “Et tu Brute!” We always talk about how M.S. is a battle that we take on alone because everyone’s battle, symptoms, diagnosis, etc. is different. This fact is so true and so we look for support from those fighting the battle. ...